Our Services
Focalise Consulting advises small and medium sized business owners by providing a “fresh pair of eyes” to assist them to further develop and grow their businesses.
We recognise that business owners are passionate and driven people who understand their businesses intimately. However they are very busy people working “in” the business and do not always have time to work effectively “on” the business.
At Focalise Consulting we offer our services as a partner acting in a collaborative manner focusing on achieving meaningful results.
We specialise in:
Sales and marketing planning
Developing strategic long-term marketing plans, as well as short-term sales plans.
Conducting targeted market research.
Facilitating planning sessions with key stakeholders in the business.
Logistics and inventory optimisation
Conducting a strategic review of the total supply chain.
Suggesting meaningful cost and operational improvements.
Business planning facilitation
Facilitating business planning sessions.
Providing views and ideas based on our own experience.
Producing a business plan with input from people across the business.
Financial management and governance systems
Analysing current financial management systems, with a focus on cash flow and working capital control.
Building systems that will enable better financial management and governance.
Asian business development
Advising on how to navigate business challenges and cultural difference.
On-the-ground support from our experienced English-speaking associate in China.
Sourcing, logistics and quality control.
Customer service appraisals
Conducting independent customer service surveys using email and telephone.
Providing recommendations for changes to be implemented in customer service.